Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Build It and They Will Come -- And Then We Killed Them All"

When are press releases sent out and news stories run that politicians and officials generally don't want the public to see?
Fridays and Saturdays as a general rule.  But, if such stories can run on a holiday weekend, so much the better.
This past Friday, Mayor Bloomberg publicly released his 2011 tax returns -- presumably with the hope that few people would see it.
And yesterday, the Daily News ran this piece about the upcoming bird carnage at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge:
Presumably, Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) is breathing a sigh of relief.
Because if there is one thing the ambitious senator would not want her animal-loving, environmentalist or naturalist constituency to see, it is her proposed massacre of all Canada geese (and their babies) as well as six other birds species on the "crown jewel" of wildlife refuges -- Jamaica Bay.
It is no small irony that less than a year ago, the DEC and DEP issued a press release announcing the multi-million dollar plan to clean up and "restore" the famous ecosystem that each year attracts millions of visitors and nature lovers:
So, while we are spending millions of tax dollars to restore and create pristine "marsh lands" to attract birds, we are also launching (tax funded) plans to wipe the birds out.
"Build it and they will come-- and then we will kill them all." 
That should be the new motto for Jamaica Wildlife Refuge -- or, the new recipient of the "Golden Goose Award" given out for senseless, conflicting and colossal wastes of tax dollars.
It is truly despicable that any government agency or politician would capitalize and profit on public paranoia that they themselves (along with the media) created.
The chance of someone being killed as result of a plane colliding with a Canada goose is about a trillion to one.  One is far more likely to die while walking in the park on a sunny day and being killed by a falling tree branch (which has actually happened).
But, we are not chopping down all the trees -- nor are we avoiding city parks.
Canada geese and other birds are of course, easy targets and victims.
They have no lobbyists in Washington,  they can't "Occupy Wall Street" nor can they even vote.
Low level government workers can simply invade the parks and refuge when the birds cannot fly, round up entire families, stuff them in trucks and drop them off at a slaughterhouse.  
Easy.  Relatively cheap.
The politicians and other officials can then announce, "We did something to insure airline safety!"
Just don't ask what the "something" was.
I am merely wondering if the USDA and Senator Gillibrand will send out press releases just prior to the actual culls?
"USDA to begin shootings and Canada goose roundups tomorrow at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.   Media invited!"  
Ah, but the USDA only do their roundups on weekdays and non-holidays.
Not the best times for news you want no one to see.
"Build it and they will come -- and then we killed them all! "
Not sure that we will see this slogan on Senator Gillibrand's campaign ads this fall.
But, she will need to have some explanation to the millions of tourists, bird and nature lovers who show up to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge with cameras and binoculars asking, "Where are all the birds?" -- PCA

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