Saturday, August 17, 2013


Mama mallard and duckling.
As humans, we are a curious and complex lot.
Our relationship with the natural world and its other animals is one of contradiction.
We pet some animals and eat billions of others.  
We claim there are too many cats, dogs and horses and kill millions of them in shelters or slaughterhouses, while at the same time, breed millions more in endless quest for companion animal perfection.  -- A perfection we do not require of ourselves.  
We photograph rare birds, shoot common birds and say nothing when the rest just disappear.
We watch documentaries on the exotic animals in Africa, Siberia and the Arctic. But, we know nothing (nor care to find out) about the squirrels or ducks in our local parks.
We claim to care about the environment and to respect its wildlife. But, we are the first to complain when getting "goose poop" on our shoes or when a raccoon raids our garbage. "Can't someone get these pesky animals out of here?" we demand.
We claim enlightenment and awareness to health, diet, the value of exercise and the impacts of climate change and global warming.  All this, while munching on greasy hamburgers and shunning the exertion that comes from hard, physical labor.
We claim charity and care about the downtrodden, bullied and exploited of our world, while buying Apple Ipads and shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch.
We marvel at orcas, dolphins, sharks and other sea life. And then go out the next day and fish -- even if just to throw the tormented fish back.
Yes, we humans are a curious and complex lot whose actual humanity can at times, be questioned.
We appear to look at the natural world around us and conclude that if it cannot be used, exploited, enjoyed and controlled one way or the other for our benefit then it is of no earthy value and warrants no consideration.  
But, one thing for sure.
At the end of civilization on this finite planet, we will have learned that if we failed to create heaven on earth for humans, we succeeded in creating hell on earth for animals. -- PCA 

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